Beet Rose

The Beetrose, also known as the Park Rose, is the most versatile and recommended variety for beginners in gardening. It can also be used as a beautiful border or hedge rose. The rose is a very popular plant, cultivated by many in gardens or in pots as well.

Characteristics of the Flower Beet Rose

Their stature is usually compact and dense, with a height ranging from 60 to 150 cm. They create a stunning visual in modest-sized gardens and expansive parks alike, particularly when paired with standard rose cultivars. Typically, their blossoms emerge on elongated, erect stems, often in clusters, rendering them ideal for floral arrangements. Bed roses are characterized by their condensed and dense growth, spanning heights of 60 to 150 centimeters, allowing them to thrive in both intimate and spacious garden settings. They adorn the landscape with fragrant blooms from early summer, typically June, until the arrival of frost.

Planting Flower Beet Roses

For optimal results, it is recommended to plant during the spring or autumn seasons, although container roses can be planted in the summer. Prior to planting, it is crucial to carefully choose a suitable spot that is neither overly exposed to sunlight nor excessively shaded, and preferably offers protection from strong winds. Avoid planting in shaded regions, close to walls, or beneath dense canopies of leafy trees.


  • The plant in the pot can be planted at any time of the year, except when the ground is frozen.
  • Select the planting location.
  • It should receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight, preferably in the morning.
  • A slightly acidic, nutrient-rich, and loose soil structure promotes its growth.
  • It is advisable to enrich the planting hole with compost.
  • Dig a hole larger than the size of the pot and water it well (a hole of 60x60x60cm).
  • Gently remove the plant from the pot by pressing on the sides to avoid damaging the roots.
  • Leave the soil on the roots and place it in the prepared hole, then bury it with soil and water thoroughly.
  • The planting spacing should be 30-50 cm, with a row spacing of 40 cm.

Care of Flower Bed Roses

  • Ensure proper watering during dry periods.
  • It is better to water less frequently, around every 6-7 days, but avoid allowing stagnant water to accumulate.
  • For more abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide nutrient supply twice a year – in spring and autumn.
  • It is advisable to plant it alongside lavender, as roses planted near lavender are less prone to aphid infestations.
  • Pruning the faded flowers promotes a richer blooming of the plant.
  • They tolerate and even require pruning in spring.

Provide winter protection as temperatures below -7 degrees Celsius can cause damage. To protect the base, mound the soil up to the branching point and cover it with dry leaves or pine branches, with a thickness of about 10-15 cm. The covering material can be removed after the frost has passed, typically in April.

Flower Beet Rose Varieties

Flower beet roses are available in a wide range of colors and sizes. They come in various shades, from white to dusty yellow, and even two-toned roses can be found in all sorts of color combinations, with the exception of rainbow and black roses. Two-toned roses can also be grafted onto standard rose varieties, creating a truly spectacular display with their different color combinations.

Some flower bed rose varieties, without claiming to be exhaustive, include Rosa Resolut, Rosa Moonsprite, Rosa Regéc, Rosa Sweet Blondie, Rosa Csíkszereda, Rosa Lemon, Rosa Konstantina, Rosa Angela, Rosa Minerva. The rose bed can be made multi-tiered with the help of standard rose varieties, as they stand out among the lower-growing park roses and shrub roses. They bloom continuously from early summer to late autumn, adding beauty to the garden for a long time.

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