Rose Info

Useful and interesting information. Everything you wanted to know about roses.

Rose mainpic

Jericho’s Rose

Jericho's Rose

Jericho’s Rose – a true miracle plant that can survive without water for decades, only to come back to life with a few drops. Curiosities, information, desert-dwelling.

Polyantha Rose

Polyantha Rose

Polyantha Rose – a small-flowered, low-growing, and easy-to-care-for rose variety that is available in a wide range and resistant to diseases.

Floribunda rose

Floribunda rose

Floribunda rose – beautiful flowers, resilient plants that delight our gardens with abundant blooming even with minimal care.

Standard Roses

Standard Roses

Standard Roses – it’s like a small, graceful rose tree that can be a highlight in gardens and balconies. How? Useful information, interesting facts.

Rose and Lavender

Rose and Lavender

Rose and Lavender – Did you know? These two useful flowers not only adorn gardens but also have numerous beneficial effects on the human body.



Rose – the queen of flowers, the tender, velvety, elegantly suggestive noble flowers that accompany us throughout a lifetime.

Rosa alba

Rose alba

Rosa alba – beloved rose variety among gardeners and rose gardens due to its stunning blooming, rich colors, and pleasant fragrance.

Potted Rose

Potted Rose

Potted Rose – how to keep a gifted potted rose alive and enjoy it for a long time? Useful tips and information.

Infinity Roses

Infinity Roses

Infinity Roses – an elegant and unique gift option suitable for any occasion and celebration. It symbolizes eternity and beauty.

Gallica Rose

Gallica Rose

Gallica Rose – beloved among gardeners and rose enthusiasts for its stunning blooming, rich colors, and delightful fragrance.

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