Rainbow rose

Is there such a thing as a rainbow rose? Nowadays, you can often see flowers in various colors, including rainbow-colored roses, on the shelves of stores and online shops. This raises the question of whether these are real or the result of human intervention. While we know that nature can produce many wonders, doesn’t this seem highly unnatural? Can nature create something like this?

Rainbow rose seeds

The easiest way to obtain these seeds is by ordering them from an online shop. You can find many related results, especially on Chinese websites.

The seeds need to be germinated and planted in the usual way, and then you have to wait for a very long time for them to sprout. It’s a true test of patience because nothing will emerge from the ground for many months, or perhaps not at all… If by chance the seeds do germinate, it will take another 3 years for them to bloom. So, it’s definitely a long process, and only if you’re willing to wait should you embark on this experiment.

Planting a rainbow rose

If we have successfully germinated the seeds, then the planting and further care will be similar to other rose varieties. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that such a colored rose does not exist in nature, so we shouldn’t have high expectations. At most, if we are truly experimentally inclined and don’t mind investing time and energy without guaranteed results. If not, it’s better to try to obtain one that is already prepared.

Buying a rainbow rose

Rainbow roses can be purchased ready-made, but they can also be made at home, DIY-style.

Making a homemade rainbow rose


  • White cut roses
  • Food coloring in desired colors
  • Sharp knife
  • Glasses or vases


  1. Cut the stems of the roses into approximately 15-20 cm long segments, dividing them into 3 or 4 equal parts, depending on how many colors you want for each flower.
  2. Fill glasses or vases with water and dissolve different food coloring in each one. It’s recommended to use vibrant colors such as red, blue, yellow, and green.
  3. Place the cut sections of the roses into the glasses or vases, ensuring that each cut stem segment goes into a different color of dyed water.
  4. Leave the roses in the dyed water for a few days, allowing the flowers to absorb the food coloring and tint the petals.

This process requires some patience, but it’s not as time-consuming as germinating the plant from seeds.


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