Standard Roses

The Standard Roses look most beautiful when planted among bedding roses and border roses, especially if they are two-toned roses. They resemble small rose trees that can enhance gardens and balconies. These standard varieties have become increasingly popular lately, especially because they come in a wide range of colors, practically every shade imaginable.

Propagation of tall-stemmed roses, rose tree

The majority of roses cultivated in commerce are propagated by grafting. For this, a strong and beautiful shoot from a rose with strong buds needs to be selected. It is preferable to choose a few strong buds from the middle of the shoot. It is important for the rootstock to be well hydrated, while the bud should be in a mature state and in a dormant growth phase. It is advisable to perform rose grafting in autumn.

Standard Roses are essentially cultivated through grafting, usually grafted onto 90-120cm high wild rose stems, which can be climbing roses, shrub roses, ground cover roses, or compact roses. Dwarf varieties are grafted onto lower stems, while climbing or shrub roses are grafted onto taller stems.

Standard Roses varieties

They provide a beautiful spectacle, so it is worthwhile to plant them in a central location. They can add multiple levels to a rose bed, standing out among the lower shrub roses and climbing roses. They bloom continuously from early summer to late autumn, thus adorning the garden for a long time.

Planting and caring for tall-stemmed roses


  • The potted plant can be planted at any time of the year, except when the ground is frozen.
  • Choose the location carefully.
  • It should receive at least 5-6 hours of sunlight, preferably in the morning.
  • Tall-stemmed roses thrive in nutrient-rich, acidic soil, but they can also survive in sandy soil.
  • It is recommended to enrich the planting hole with well-rotted manure.
  • Dig a hole larger than the size of the pot and water it well.
  • Gently remove the plant from the pot, pressing on the sides of the pot to avoid damaging the roots.
  • Place the plant, along with the soil attached to its roots, into the prepared hole, then cover with soil and water thoroughly.
  • Maintain a planting distance of at least 1 meter. The mature height is 1.5-2 meters.

Caring for Standard Roses:

  • Ensure proper watering during dry periods.
  • It’s better to water them less frequently, about every 6-7 days, but avoid waterlogging.
  • To promote abundant flowering, it is necessary to fertilize the roses twice a year – in spring and autumn.
  • It’s advisable to plant them alongside lavender, as roses planted with lavender are less prone to aphids.
  • Pruning the faded flowers helps stimulate the plant for more abundant blooming.
  • The crown of the rose can be susceptible to frost damage, so it needs protection. One solution is to tuck newspaper into the center of the branches and cover the crown with a paper bag.

Pruning of tall-stemmes roses

One advantage of tall-stemmed roses is that their height makes them easier to handle and prune, allowing for comfortable pruning while standing. It is essential to perform maintenance pruning on the rose at the end of winter or early spring. This primarily involves pruning the woody parts. Cut the stem about 5-10 mm above the bud. For older plants, rejuvenation pruning can also be done to stimulate new growth. This procedure should also be carried out at the end of winter. Additionally, shaping pruning can be done to shape the bushes. Regularly pruning faded flowers is necessary to encourage abundant blooming of the plants.

Ordering and purchasing tall-stemmed roses, online store

Tall-stemmed roses are not particularly delicate plants, but it is worth knowing the conditions under which the plants were grown before ordering them. It is also advisable to inquire about the shipping process. When ordering from an online store, the purchased plants are usually delivered, which is important because it ensures that the plants are handed over in good condition. Of course, tall-stemmed rose varieties are also available at the gardening section of larger stores.

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